Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Worst Time of the Year

I thought about taking pictures for this post, but I couldn't bear to. This is the drab, wet, muddy, messy, discombobulating season. All I want to do is start spring cleanup and plant the garden, but the snow is only half melted and the rain/snow mix makes everything sloppy.

Scrap wood and other junk has accumulated around the bus over the winter and it's time for a dump run. We need to reorganize our storage spaces to make room for, well, let's say some very special supplies. I don't want to do the jobs, but I do want to see them done. If only the weather would allow me to, I would get this place in shape.

However, I am so thankful for the extra storage space that we have: our trailer (and a place to park it) and shelving in the Oberg's house. When your husband owns his own contracting business and you live in a bus, extra storage is a necessity.

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