Monday, June 9, 2014

Preparing for Bus-dweller #3: Part 1, A Hanging Cradle

Yes, this is an announcement! Our baby is due August 7. Between pregnancy, a month long respiratory illness, getting ready for our new family member,  and the rest of life, I have been exhausted. Now, with less than two months left to go, I am finally feeling somewhat prepared. 

The hanging cradle makes use of vertical space in the bus and hangs right across from our futon. Since we can't attach a co-sleeper to the futon, I feel this is a good alternative. Steve and I worked on the cradle together. I did the sewing, he took care of the hardware. We based the design on a hanging cradle by Kindekekelin

We are excited to welcome our new baby into the bus. I am counting on a new set of adventures!

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