Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How to Fit Life into a Bus: Tips for Small Space Survival

Bus tours are often anti-climactic and I'm not referring to driving around a foreign country snapping pictures out the window. I mean that when friends come over to see the bus, they walk in through our "mud room" (the driver's area) and then proceed through a doorway into the main room of the bus. Beyond the main room is the bathroom, but one can essentially observe the entire space in a single glance.

However, study of the bus reveals the items (and lack thereof)  that make our small space work for daily life and entertaining. Here are four tips for small space survival. There will be more to come!

1) Our nifty futon: Steve designed and constructed our bed himself. It has room underneath for storage (we keep most of our clothes there) and it folds up into a comforatble couch. Therefore, as you can see from the pictures, the entire interior of the bus is availble for hanging out.

2) Secret storage: We have a chest that serves as a seat, end tables that serve as storage areas, and book cases that fit into windows.

3) A drop leaf table and folding chairs: Our table folds down into a tiny, two person rectangle that fits up against the wall. When we want to have a dinner party, we pull the table into the center of the bus, pull our six (cool) folding chairs up, and dig in.

4) Lighting: We can't afford to take up precious surface space with lamps, so we use rope lights and replaced the lamp you see in the picutures with a hanging Chinese lantern.

Most of all, it is important to view small space living as an exciting challenge, not an inconvenience!


  1. As I read your post, I thought about making spirals or whatever shapes you desire on the ceiling to magnify the light in such a small space. You could easily use 3-4 sets of rope lights to make 3-4 bright over-head lighting arrangements. Just a thought. Thanks for sharing. I love your bus conversion.
