Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Bus living 2.0

One month has passed since Steve and I moved back into our bus and we already feel as if we’d never left. Occasionally people ask us if we find it harder to live in the bus after living in a house for two years. I can honestly say, “No, we don't.” Two years is nothing compared to the 20 plus years we’d lived in houses before our original move into the bus. Moreover, we've had practice at bus life. When we first moved in there were so many unknown factors: where would we park? Would we have electricity and running water? Where would we do laundry? This time those questions had already been answered. Plus, we now know how to make small space living work for us. We have quickly adjusted to doing the dishes, sweeping, and straightening up more frequently than we had been while living in a house.  Keeping the bus tidy is the key to keeping our sanity. When we fail, we feel it.

We also have more storage this time around. Steve built a set of shelves for our hosts and in return they let us use a section of them for storing outdoor gear and extra kitchen equipment. In the past we stored our outdoor gear in plastic totes on top of the bus, but we found that this method did not keep things dry enough. In addition, we purchased a utility trailer for the tools Steve now needs for work.

Oh, and we added another member to our bus crew: Mish, the Cat. He and Ike get along, although they are in a constant rivalry for the coziest sleeping nooks.